2D dm density for TNG300-1

zk seazhan
  • 7 Nov '24


I want to construct the 2D dark matter density of TNG300-1, should I use the Masses or the SubfindDMDensity?
And I keep getting a memory full warning when loading the dark matter coordinates, I will try the methods you suggested earlier in https://www.tng-project.org/data/forum/topic/188/accessing-the-fuzz/ . Or do you have any other methods to recommend?

Thanks a lot!

Dylan Nelson
  • 8 Nov '24

The dark matter mass density field is defined by (sampled by) the Coordinates of the dark matter particles (PartType1). There is no Masses field, since these particles all have the same mass, which is available in the MassTable attribute of the Header.

SubfindDMDensity is a local, kernel-estimated density of dark matter. It may be useful for some analyses, but in general would not be used.

As for memory, most likely your calculation does not need all the DM particles loaded at once, and can instead work 'chunk by chunk', which would be a good strategy.

zk seazhan
  • 10 Nov '24

Thanks a lot!

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