Visualizing Milky Way/Andromeda-like Galaxies

Aniruddha Madhava
  • 2
  • 8 Apr '23

Good afternoon,
I recently saw the updates on the Milky Way + Andromeda Data Sample release, as well the "gallery of galaxies" that is included on the sight. Looking at the accompanying paper, I noticed that the galaxies were rendered in "composite stellar light image of three HST/ACS bands (F435W, F606W, F775W; 0.049 arcsec/pixel)" . Is this functionality available through the TNG JupyterLab Workspace? If so, how could I recreate these images? Also, is there a way to create a smooth animation of the evolution of these galaxies? I've figured out a way to animate the evolution, but since it involves clearing the plot output and presenting the next snapshot, it is choppy at best.
Thank you.

Dylan Nelson
  • 10 Apr '23

(1) Under the "Visualize" tool you can select stars, and then "stellarComp" for the field. This is similar to the visualizations on the Milky Way + Andromeda page, except that dust is not considered, so they don't look as realistic or nice. The images on the Milky Way + Andromeda page were made using SKIRT, following the approach of the (l) SKIRT Synthetic Images and Optical Morphologies. SKIRT is open source so you could download it and try making similar visualizations.

(2) The main TNG simulations have 100 snapshots in time, so it is difficult to make a smooth movie. There are two options: (i) create an interpolation method to interpolate the snapshot data between snapshot times, and then render this to create more frames. Although possible, this is difficult to make work well. (ii) use one of the subbox snapshots, i.e. find a galaxy which is inside a subbox - then you have thousands of snapshots to work with. This second option is how all TNG movies which evolve in time are made.

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