Simulation of pairs of galaxies with the presence of gas

Eduardo Teófilo
  • 21 Mar '23

Hello good afternoon
I am doing research on the behavior of gas when a couple of galaxies interact, so I kindly ask about access to snapshots of a particular simulation, since seeing the content of the page is very complete, but many snapshots are of terabytes and the download is not possible, or could you please help me with the visualization of some in particular, I am using Jupyter Notebook. Thank you so much

Dylan Nelson
  • 21 Mar '23

You could first identify halos which host such pairs, i.e. look for halos where the stellar masses of the first versus second (most massive) subhalos are similar. You could also add a (maximum) distance between the two. This is pretty much the definition of a strongly interacting close pair.

Once you've identified halos of interest, you can either (i) download "snapshot cutouts", which are small, or (ii) use the online Lab interface. Either way you can avoid downloading the entire snapshot.

Eduardo Teófilo
  • 21 Mar '23

Oh yeah, I'll check it out, thank you very much.
If there is any comment about it, can you please tell me, Thank you

Eduardo Teófilo
  • 29 Mar '23

Good afternoon,
doubt, is there any viewing software that allows opening .hdf5 files apart from python, please recommend me, I have tried hdf5view but it does not open the files
Thank you

Dylan Nelson
  • 29 Mar '23

Yes there are ways to open HDF5 files in all languages.

In the Getting Started Scripts, we show examples for IDL, Matlab, Julia, and Python.

Eduardo Teófilo
  • 29 Mar '23

Yes, go ahead, I want to run without walking, I'm really new to this, and I want to learn, excuse me if I ask very obvious questions. Thank you very much for your time

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