Running GALFIT on stellar light images

Thiago Bueno Dalpiaz
  • 24 Feb '23


I'm researching barred galaxies of TNG50 simulation. I intend to make morphological decomposition using GALFIT. However, to do so I need to transform the HDF5 files from my sample into FITS files. In the last days, I've been trying to figure it out unsuccessfully. Any hint would be helpful.

Thanks in advance.

Dylan Nelson
  • 25 Feb '23

HDF5 and FITS are just file formats.

If you want to run GALFIT, you would typically do this on an image of stellar light.

The main challenge would be to construct an image of stellar light (in 2D) from the simulation data (stellar population masses, ages, metallicities, and positions, in 3D). There are many papers on the topic, such as Rodriguez-Gomez+ 2019, which may provide a starting point for you.

If you just want morphological decompositions of TNG galaxies, you may want to consider if any of the Supplementary Data Catalogs would be useful.

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