Data Specifications

Mariana Rivas
  • 29 Aug '22

Hello there,

Is there anything like this for the keys in a subhalo cutout? i.e. a place where there's a list containing units and information about cm_x, cm_y, gasmetallicity, pos_x, etc.

Thank you!

Dylan Nelson
  • 4 Sep '22

Hi Mariana,

What do you mean by "subhalo cutout"? I think you actually mean the API page for a given subhalo, e.g. ""?

If so, I'm afraid there isn't an exact documentation. These fields are, however, exactly the same as the ones in the "Data Specifications". The only difference is their names ("pos" instead of "Coordinates", etc). So I'd recommend to just take a guess at which field is which, and go from there.

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